Common Types of Wrongful Death Claims in Maryland

When someone is killed because of the negligence of another person or party, then a wrongful death claim should be filed. While nothing can bring back a loved one, the legal system can help alleviate some of the financial stress that may occur because of the accident and loss.

Some of the most common types of wrongful death cases include the following:

  • Automobile accidents. When a car accident could have been prevented but was not, the person who acted negligently may have a wrongful death claim brought against them.
  • Criminal acts. Within the legal system, a criminal act is subject to both criminal and legal proceedings. The criminal proceedings are conducted by the state, whereas a civil case can be brought by the attorney of the deceased family member.
  • Product liability. Those companies and individuals who manufacture, market and distribute products are responsible for keeping those products safe. When the product is the reason for someone’s death, a wrongful death claim may be filed.

Speaking with a wrongful death lawyer in Annapolis, MD is the best way to determine whether you have a case. Call a Maryland wrongful death attorney at the law offices of Howie Law Firm LLC today for a free consultation for personal injury cases.

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